Beautifully Backed Page 4
Sergio refused to answer. He would watch a YouTube tutorial if he had to, but he wasn’t admitting he didn’t know what to do with any of the shit Tobin brought home.
Tobin shook his head. “I needed a drink. You don’t know how to cook, do you?”
Fuck. Tobin could read minds. Sergio tried harder not to give anything away.
With a chuckle, Tobin moved to the fridge and found a bottle of water. After setting the bottle on the counter, Tobin grabbed a bar stool and dragged it into the kitchen. He sat. “Okay. I’m technically still resting. Find the salt and pepper on the spice rack.”
As Sergio moved to do as told, he realized Tobin planned to direct while Sergio cooked. Sergio could live with that if Tobin stayed seated. He found the salt and pepper and set to work. Following Tobin’s instructions was a lot less stressful than starting and stopping a video while trying to find ingredients he didn’t know if Tobin even owned. Plus, Tobin was super patient and Sergio felt like he was learning something new. He only set the smoke alarm off twice while pan-searing the steaks. That felt like a win to Sergio. Hell, not burning down Damon’s bar felt like a major score.
By the time Sergio finished, the meal didn’t look like it had been prepared by a chef, but it still smelled good. He was pretty proud of himself. Plus, Sergio had learned something unexpected. He felt certain he could repeat what Tobin had shown him.
“Try it. You look so pleased with yourself that you should get the first bite.”
He glanced Tobin’s way. Tobin looked much better than he had when Sergio had shown up earlier. He also looked expectant—like he wanted to watch Sergio take the first bite. Sergio grabbed a knife and cut into the steak. As he popped the food into his mouth, he was ridiculously proud of himself. It was every bit as good as some of the five-star restaurants he visited.
“How is it?”
Instead of answering, Sergio cut Tobin a bite and fed him. He watched Tobin chew. It was funny to him that he found even that sexy. There was something about Tobin. Sergio felt good in his company—like they were best friends and had known each other their entire lives. His shoulders weren’t tensed. Sergio couldn’t recall the last time he didn’t have to watch for daggers at his back.
Tobin nodded. “Very good. I’m impressed. You keep cooking like this, and I might have to keep you.”
Tobin scrunched up his nose. “Maybe,” he said, dragging out the word. “I know.” He snapped his fingers, as if finding the word that he had been searching for. “Possibly.”
Sergio set the fork aside. “Oh, I see. You’re feeling better and want to play. I get it. My steak may or may not keep you around, huh?” Sergio invaded Tobin's space and placed several loud kisses on the side of Tobin’s neck while Tobin fought to push him away, laughing.
“No. I didn’t mean that. I’ll keep you.”
At Tobin’s change of heart, Sergio massaged Tobin’s thighs. His seduction turned genuine. He lightly tongued Tobin’s neck. Tobin stopped trying to push him away. Instead, he encircled Sergio’s neck and pulled him closer. His laughter turned to moans. Sergio had always been an oral person. He loved the way Tobin tasted. Sergio peeled away Tobin’s shirt so he could sample even more of Tobin’s skin. He tried to be gentle. It was impossible with Tobin making sounds like he was ready to come with Sergio only licking his nipples.
The thin workout shorts Tobin wore made it easy for Sergio to shove his hand inside. Tobin’s fingernails dug into Sergio’s shoulders as Sergio stroked him.
“I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.”
At Tobin’s confession, Sergio bent and swallowed Tobin’s cock. He could make Tobin want him even more.
“Oh my god. I swear I can feel your slight accent on my dick.”
Sergio almost came in his jeans. Tobin had a way of going from sweet and innocent to sexual as fuck that drove Sergio wild. He loved it. Tobin made him feel powerful—like only he knew how to flip Tobin’s switch. The louder Tobin’s moans became, the harder Sergio worked at getting him off. He sucked and licked, giving Tobin everything he had. Tobin’s muscles tensed. He pulled Sergio’s hair so hard, Sergio’s scalp stung. Cum filled Sergio’s mouth. He swallowed. Sergio took his time finishing Tobin. He made sure he licked Tobin clean before fixing Tobin’s clothes and stealing a sweet kiss.
Sergio fought hard to ignore his aching cock as he pulled away. Tobin’s flushed face and the way his eyes were filled with emotion made it hard for Sergio to think about anything else. He had a bigger plan in mind. Sergio intended to lay siege to Tobin’s heart. That meant temporary discomfort.
He backed up a step. “I’ll fix your plate. Do you usually eat at the bar or in the living room since you don’t have a dining room?”
Tobin molded against Sergio’s back before he could get away. His arms encircled Sergio and his hand was inside Sergio’s pants before he realized Tobin had undone his button and zipper. Sergio slapped his hands down on the countertop when his knees weakened. Tobin didn’t hold back. In fact, he two-handed Sergio, massaging his balls and stroking. Sergio held his breath. His muscles locked up and Sergio squeezed his eyes closed, trying to hold back. He was too on edge from blowing Tobin. As if Tobin read his mind and knew he wasn’t ready to come just yet, Tobin tightened his grip around the base of Sergio’s cock and held still, cutting off Sergio’s orgasm before it happened. Two steadying breaths past and Tobin pressed his lips to the spot between Sergio’s shoulder blades. It was the last sweet gesture Sergio got. Tobin pumped and stroked, making Sergio wild with lust. He openly fucked Tobin’s hand. A half second before he blew, Sergio covered his cock with his shirt to keep from blowing all over Tobin’s kitchen. Sergio swore he went blind for a second. It felt like he got hit by two orgasms at once. That was something that had never happened to him before. He barely kept his knees from collapsing as Tobin massaged every drop of cum from him.
“We should eat on the couch. It’s more comfortable there.”
Emotion choked Sergio at Tobin’s offhand remark. He turned and captured Tobin’s mouth. Sergio knew he really did need to let Tobin eat. The guy needed his strength, but Sergio recognized something monumental in that moment. He liked Tobin way more than he should in such a short time. Tobin made him feel good. No one else made Sergio feel good anymore. He always felt like he couldn’t be himself because the world was watching. People used him and were always fake. Tobin felt different. It felt like Tobin actually cared. No one cared about him anymore. Tobin’s attention was addicting. Sergio wanted more. He needed Tobin to be okay because he needed Tobin. As their tongues stroked, Sergio silently made a vow. He would fight for Tobin like no one else ever had before. Sergio wanted this thing they were starting. He wouldn’t let anything endanger them. Tobin would see. He would keep Sergio.
Sergio spent every night at Tobin’s place when he was in town. Oddly, Tobin’s schedule of being up by three every morning had Sergio living the healthiest lifestyle he had in a long time. He liked helping Tobin box up his baked goods before heading out for a run each day. By the time he made it to scheduled practices, he was warmed up and ready to go. By eight every night, he was dead on his feet and ready for some cuddle time. He was happier than he could recall being at any point in his life.
Maybe that was why he was already awake fifteen minutes before the alarm and couldn’t take his eyes off Tobin sleeping beside him. The tiny ball of determination curled up against him was quickly becoming his everything. Sometimes, from nowhere, Sergio would get sideswiped by pure terror. His throat would threaten to close, and the shaking would set in. He had never been more afraid of losing anyone. Sergio had a dream career and more money than he had known existed as a kid. Despite those things, life hadn’t been kind to him. While Sergio had been born in this country, his mom had been here illegally. She had sneaked across the border while pregnant with him to escape an abusive husband. When she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, she hadn’t found m
any resources available to her. Not to mention, she had feared deportation.
Shortly after Sergio turned fourteen, Sergio’s mom passed. She had instilled a healthy dose of fear of the system and authorities in him. So he had packed a bag, sold what he could, and grabbed all the funds he could get before landing in the streets. Sergio had lived in homeless camps and ran with thugs to stay alive. Meeting Valor had saved Sergio. With Valor’s guidance, Sergio had learned how to use his talents to move up in the world. Sergio owed Valor everything for the lifestyle he now enjoyed. But inside, where no one could see, Sergio was still that kid who had lost his mom. He always seemed to fall for guys who used him just because they talked an excellent game. They made him believe he wouldn’t go back to being alone. Before Tobin, Sergio had gotten a little jaded. Maybe he still was. But Tobin made him believe in love and Sergio might lose him the same way he had lost his mom. Life just kept sucker-punching him.
The alarm beeped and Tobin stirred. Sergio leaned past him and killed the sound so he could be the one who pulled Tobin from his dreams. He turned on the lamp by the bed before swiping his fingers down the line of Tobin’s jaw.
Tobin smiled, but he didn’t open his eyes. “Good morning.”
Sergio bit his lip. Damn, he had it bad. “Good morning.”
There were still black smudges beneath Tobin’s eyes—like he never slept. Sergio lightly brushed his fingertips over the marks, wishing them away.
“I don’t want to get up.”
Tobin sounded genuinely exhausted and he still didn’t open his eyes. Sergio found himself snuggling close and nuzzling Tobin’s neck. He blew on Tobin’s neck, making rude noises before kissing the same spot. “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll help you bake before I go for my run. You can stay in bed, if you want, and your customers will just get what they get from me—your baker in training.”
With a soft laugh, Tobin pushed at his chest. “Fine. I’m getting up.”
Sergio settled onto his back and linked his hands behind his head. He eyed Tobin’s nude body as he pushed his way into sitting on the edge of the bed. Tobin was beautiful. Sergio loved staring at him. He was so tiny and angelic. Sergio wasn’t a huge guy either, but he felt like Tobin would fit in his pocket.
Tobin chuckled. “I can feel you staring at me. I swear I’m moving.” Tobin’s words trailed off as he glanced over his shoulder. His smile slipped away. Before Sergio could ask what was wrong, Tobin picked up something from his pillow. It was a huge lock of hair. Tobin looked away. His shoulders dropped. Sergio’s eyes fell closed. He swore he felt Tobin’s pain. Tobin had adorable blond curls. They were soft, and Sergio loved running his fingers through them each time Tobin sucked him. Fuck. He hated this. The pain of a new loss radiated from Tobin. Sergio couldn’t take it. He rolled from the bed and headed for the bathroom. Sergio flipped on the lights and started searching the cabinets.
“What are you looking for?”
As Tobin’s question floated into the bathroom, Sergio found what he had been hunting. He quickly plugged in the electric razor, took one last look in the mirror, and buzzed through the center of his hair.
“Holy shit. What are you doing?” Tobin rushed inside the bathroom. He stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway. Tobin covered his mouth with both hands as Sergio took a second swipe through his hair. A horrified-sounding chuckle burst from behind Tobin’s hands.
Sergio glanced over. “Don’t laugh. You’re next.”
Tobin’s eyes swam with laughter. His hands moved from his mouth to his cheeks. “You’re insane.”
“I’ve been called worse.” Sergio made quick work of shaving his head. Once finished, he waved Tobin closer. “Your turn.”
Tobin pulled a face but moved to stand in front of Sergio.
Sergio kissed Tobin’s ear. “Good boy.” With no mercy in his heart, and fast before he lost his courage, Sergio shaved Tobin’s head. Tobin didn’t make a sound, but he looked heartbroken when his hair was gone.
They stood together in silence in front of the mirror for much longer than necessary when it was done.
“It’s for the best,” Tobin said after a minute. His tone didn’t match his words. In fact, his voice cracked.
Sergio wrapped his arms around Tobin’s chest and held on. He kissed Tobin’s nape when Tobin’s chin dropped. Sergio swore he could feel Tobin’s heartbreak. “We’re in this together,” Sergio swore against Tobin’s skin.
Tobin squeezed Sergio’s arm across his chest but didn’t lift his chin. “Where did you even come from? This is too much for me to ask from you.” The words were barely a whisper, but Sergio heard each one. He refused to let Tobin use the moment to push him away.
“You’re worth it. Let’s get a shower and get to baking before you end up late.” He didn’t want to make a big deal out of shaving his head. At least he had a choice in the matter. Tobin didn’t.
“Are you showering with me?”
Sergio snorted. “Hell yeah. Was there ever any doubt?”
With a laugh, Tobin stepped out of his hold and headed for the shower. Sergio took several deep breaths while Tobin got the water started. Every day, reality got a lot realer, and still Sergio couldn’t walk away. Tobin glanced behind him. A small smile touched his lips and Sergio was hooked all over again. He would take however much time he could get with Tobin. Life wasn’t guaranteed to anyone.
With that thought firm inside his mind, Sergio stripped and joined Tobin in the shower. They were lazy, taking their time washing each other. Sergio’s chest filled with an unnamed emotion each time Tobin kissed his collarbone. Tobin’s skin was pale against his. He fit perfectly in Sergio’s arms. Sergio lingered over washing every inch of Tobin. By the time they stepped out of the shower, steam hung in the air. Tobin dried Sergio’s skin with a fluffy towel. Each of Tobin’s motions was slow and Sergio wasn’t so sure that was due to lovingly caring for Sergio.
Sergio took the towel from Tobin. “I’ve got this. Go get dressed. I’m stealing too much of your time this morning.” And energy, he silently added.
With one last kiss to Sergio’s chest, Tobin did as told. Sergio kept one eye on Tobin as they dressed and brushed their teeth. When they moved to the kitchen, Sergio found himself sticking to Tobin’s side, catching things as Tobin lost his strength to hold them. There was no missing the way his hands shook by the time the last batch of rolls was made.
“I need more boxes. I’ll be right back.”
Even though Sergio nodded, he really only half heard. His mind had fixated on the problem at hand and wouldn’t budge. Tobin did too much and that needed to stop. Between getting up at three to cook every morning, making deliveries all over town, going to chemo, and Sergio zapping his energy, there was no time left for Tobin to relax and heal. There had to be some way to make his life better. There had to be a better balance.
Sergio waited for what felt like ages for Tobin to return with the boxes, but Tobin didn’t reappear. A hint of panic set in. He worried Tobin already thought he hovered too much. Still, he couldn’t stand there any longer, waiting and fretting. Sergio glanced down the stairs leading to the storeroom. Tobin sat on the top step with his head leaned against the wall beside him, unmoving.
“Are you okay?” When Tobin didn’t respond, Sergio rushed down a few steps to get a better look at Tobin. Silent tears streamed down Tobin’s face. He looked defeated. Sergio instantly felt sick. Tobin’s tears broke him.
“I can’t do it.”
Sergio tried not to show his inner panic at Tobin’s whispered words. “You can’t do what, bebé?”
Tobin sniffed. Even his voice sounded weak. “I can’t make it down the stairs. I’m just so tired. Nothing works. I can’t do it.”
Sergio nodded. The huge knot in his throat made it hard for him to speak. He fought the fear choking him. Sergio was done trying to let Tobin be independent. He needed help. This had gone too far. “Don’t move. Okay?”
Tobin nodded.
Sergio hurrie
d down the stairs. He spotted Damon across the room as he pushed his way inside the bar.
Damon took one look at Sergio and straightened away from the table he had been polishing. “What’s happened?”
“I need your help.” Sergio didn’t care about pride. “Tobin is sitting at the top of the stairs crying because he doesn’t have the energy to make it down the steps.”
Damon’s eyes fell closed for a second, and Sergio knew he wasn’t overreacting. His determination doubled. “He can’t keep working anymore. What he has scheduled for today is mostly ready to go out, but he can’t do it. I want to take him home with me. He needs to focus on getting better. As long as he has to fight so hard to survive financially, he won’t stop until he kills himself. I can’t let that happen.”
Damon nodded. “I agree.” He glanced around as if trying to think over the situation. “I have a beer delivery coming this morning. Otherwise, I would offer to make his deliveries for him today. That way, you could go ahead and take him home. I don’t know what to do about that.”
“I’ll stay and wait for the beer guy.”
Sergio spun. A guy with dark hair and perfect lips sat at a table nearby. Sergio hadn’t realized they weren’t alone. His ink-colored straight hair hung in his eyes, making them seem even lighter by comparison. Sergio found himself blinking against the sight of the guy. It was unnatural for one person to be so flawless. In fact, it was almost off-putting—like something about the guy was fake.
Damon growled. The aggravation in the sound couldn’t be missed. “I guess—if you’re willing—I don’t have any other choice.”
The guy smiled. It was slow and evil-looking—like he relished the idea of forcing Damon into his debt. “It seems you don’t.”
Sergio didn’t have the luxury of caring what the dynamic was between the pair or why the guy was drinking alone this early in the morning in a closed bar. He was scared shitless he would find Tobin at the bottom of the steps if he didn’t hurry.