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Beautifully Backed Page 7

  Reid’s blue eyes showed his humor over Tobin’s shock. He held his hands up in surrender. “It was the good kind of deceit.”

  Bill and Janet crowded around them, taking turns hugging Tobin and Sergio. Everyone followed Tobin’s parents, congratulating them. Damon spoke quietly against Tobin’s ear. Tobin blinked back tears and Damon turned away fast, as if he too had been overcome by emotion. Every second that passed, the realer everything felt. Sergio couldn’t believe Tobin really planned to marry him. He couldn’t believe his luck.

  The more Sergio’s happiness grew and the longer he stared at Tobin, the more Sergio wished he had done this privately. Tobin deserved to be publicly celebrated, but Sergio wanted him alone now that the adrenaline had faded and reality set in. Tobin truly had agreed to marry him. The guy who hated crowds and leaving the house endured the attention now for Sergio. Sergio’s throat swelled.

  As if he felt Sergio’s sudden surge of overwhelming emotions, Tobin found his hand. As their fingers linked, Tobin’s gaze found his. The way Tobin’s mouth lifted in one corner made Sergio feel as if Tobin read his mind. “I’m thinking I feel a bit tired and overwhelmed.”

  A smile snapped to Sergio’s lips. They really were the perfect team. He wasted no time thanking everyone for being a part of their engagement and explaining that Tobin needed his rest. They made dinner plans with Tobin’s parents and Valor and Reid. In under an hour, he had Tobin shuffled into the car. The moment they were closed inside, Tobin tried crawling into Sergio’s lap.

  Tobin kissed him deep before pulling away and pressing his forehead against Sergio’s. Up close, Tobin’s light green eyes seemed ever lighter. Sergio was happier than he had ever been in his life. Tobin’s eyes crinkled in the corners. “There’s still time to get away from me.”

  Sergio snorted. “I’m the one who asked you to marry me. I definitely don’t want out.”

  Tobin settled down in his seat and looked at his ring. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I can’t believe you said yes.”

  Tobin rolled his eyes.

  “We should get married right now.”

  Tobin laughed at Sergio’s enthusiasm. “I would marry you in a heartbeat, baby, but take a breath. My mom would be really upset if she didn’t get to be involved, and maybe I want a real wedding.”

  Sergio forced his excitement to take a step back. Tobin deserved a real wedding. Not only that, but once Tobin said the words, Sergio realized he wanted one too. He planned to only do this once. They should create memories with the best wedding ever. Still, there was also a small part of Sergio that wanted to marry right then before he lost his chance. He was torn.

  Tobin’s smile slipped away as his gaze moved over Sergio’s face. “Okay.”

  Sergio blinked. “Okay, what?”

  “Let’s go get married right now.”

  Guilt washed over Sergio, but not for the right things. He should have felt terrible for taking away the one thing Tobin requested. Instead, he felt bad for the amount of relief he felt over Tobin giving in. “Let’s do both.” The words burst from Sergio to assuage his shame. “Let’s get married now and then have a big wedding whenever you’re up to it.”

  “No. You’re right. I probably can’t handle the stress of a big wedding and it’ll likely be a long time before I am well enough for that. If getting married is about being married, and you’re ready, then we should just do it.”

  Sergio bit his bottom lip. He didn’t deserve this man. “Are you being serious? Are you really going to be mine, for real?”

  A bright smile lit Tobin’s face. “I’m already yours, for real, but yeah. Let’s do it.”

  The pressure in Sergio’s chest screamed this couldn’t be real. Surely Tobin would change his mind. Sergio didn’t get to keep the people he loved. In fact, outside of Tobin, everything in his life was currently shit. He had to believe something would go wrong before Tobin actually married him. That wouldn’t stop him from rushing to get this done. No way would he miss his shot. He loved Tobin, and if this happened, he would make sure Tobin always felt cherished. This would be the greatest day of Tobin’s life, if it was the last thing Sergio ever did.

  For the millionth time since they got home, Tobin stared down at his finger as a sense of awe washed over him. They were married. He was someone’s husband. Him. Sergio had gone to huge lengths to propose to Tobin, even including their friends and family. The day had been so much more than he expected when he woke up. Tobin had only planned to have coffee with Reid today and ended up married. He couldn’t get past that detail. His life just kept getting more surreal every day. If he had ever thought about Sergio wanting to marry him, which had never happened, Tobin would have expected talk of prenups and whatever else Sergio would need to do to protect himself. None of that happened. Sergio just fucking married him. Tobin was blown away by Sergio’s faith in them.

  Of course, after the day’s excitement, Sergio had also made him go straight to bed when they got home. Tobin was too pumped to sleep, but his body felt weak. He wanted to call everyone he knew, but he also wanted to keep this to himself—like something special just for him—for at least a few days. With Sergio in the shower, Tobin needed a distraction before he exploded from too much happiness.

  Tobin grabbed the remote and turned on the TV while he waited for Sergio. It was on the sports’ channel as usual, because... Sergio. With a smile, Tobin almost changed the channel before Sergio appeared on the screen. It was a rerun of one of Sergio’s old games. Tobin left it. He liked watching Sergio on TV. The camera kept panning between the game and the sidelines before switching to old bits of interviews and practices. Tobin realized it wasn’t a rerun, but some documentary about the team. Honestly, he hated sports and never watched any of the specials that ran on any of the sports-themed channels. The TV was on mute, and Tobin did nothing to remedy that. Even though he loved Sergio, soccer still bored the shit out of him. It was a lot more interesting when Sergio played. Tobin liked watching him, but that was all Tobin cared about.

  There was something about this, though. The show had Tobin’s attention. What he saw mixed with something Sergio once said about not fitting in. The combination had Tobin’s heartbeat thumping in his ears. As he watched, he noticed a few key details. No one talked to Sergio. In all the clips, Sergio stood to one side while other players laughed and joked with one another just feet away. Sergio never smiled or interacted with anyone. It was... odd. Tobin felt like he just realized his child was bullied at school, or some shit. He couldn’t explain how he felt. Tobin just really wanted to punch someone.

  He found himself unmuting the TV, hoping to learn more. That didn’t help. It was just a lone narrator, talking stats that didn’t stick to Tobin’s brain. Tobin ran through the faces in his mind that he had seen at the coffeehouse earlier. The only people there for Sergio had been Valor, Dawson, and Milo. Reid was married to Valor, but he was still more Tobin’s friend than Sergio’s. There hadn’t been a single teammate or friend of Sergio’s celebrating with them. Tobin didn’t understand. Sergio was so, so amazing. Why didn’t he have friends? Tobin was the world’s biggest introvert, and there had been a surprisingly large number of people there for him. What the hell?

  The bathroom door opened, and Sergio emerged, nude and drying his hair with a towel. His gaze moved toward the TV before his smiling face turned Tobin’s way. “Why are you watching this?”

  Tobin shrugged. “I got bored and turned on the TV. As soon as I saw your gorgeous face, I couldn’t change the channel.”

  Sergio tossed his towel aside and leapt onto the bed. “Bored, huh? I can’t have that.” He dove face first into the side of Tobin’s neck and blew. A burst of laughter escaped Tobin as Sergio kissed every exposed piece of skin he could find.

  “Watch live this Saturday as The Lancers’ Sergio Costa is presented with this year’s Player of the Year award at the Dove’s Clubhouse.”

  “What?” Tobin accidentally screeched the ques
tion as he shoved at Sergio’s chest while trying to get a better look at the TV. “Did that guy just say you’re getting an award?”

  Sergio sat back on his heels and turned off the TV before tossing the remote out of Tobin’s reach. “Yeah. It’s no big deal.” He went back to kissing Tobin’s neck.

  “When did you plan to tell me that I need to get a tux and all that?”

  Sergio didn’t slow his attempts to seduce Tobin. “I didn’t figure you’d want to go.” His words sounded barely audible between kisses.

  Tobin pushed at his chest again. “Wait. Did you plan to go without me? Are you ashamed of me?”

  With a huff, Sergio finally went up onto his elbow and met Tobin’s stare. “We’re married. Of course I’m not ashamed of you. I don’t plan to go.”

  “What?” Tobin might have shrieked again, but it was too late to take it back. “You’re getting what sounds like a major award, and you’re not going. That’s insane.”

  Sergio shrugged, looking unmoved. “I’m focused on us right now. You don’t need to be exposed to all of those germ-infested people. It’s really not a big thing.”

  “It’s a big thing to me. I can wear a mask and I want to support you. Don’t miss out on accepting a huge award because I’m sick. I’m proud of you. I want everyone to know it.”

  Sergio’s expression didn’t give any hints to his thoughts. “If I say we’ll go, can I get back to making out with my husband?”

  Tobin really loved being called Sergio’s husband. It sounded amazing in Sergio’s slight accent. Plus, the glow of happiness still hadn’t worn off. “Yes.”

  Sergio smirked. His eyes turned seductive. “Good. We’ll go figure out what we’re wearing tomorrow or whatever. Right now, I have plans for you.”

  Love filled Tobin’s chest to overflowing. Whatever Sergio’s plans were, he was onboard. They had the rest of their lives together. Maybe one day he would get tired of Sergio’s constant affection. He doubted it, but maybe he would. For now, though, he couldn’t get enough. Tobin couldn’t wait to see what each new day would bring. Everything seemed so much brighter now that Sergio belonged to him permanently. For once in his life, Tobin felt like he couldn’t lose.

  Sergio hoped like hell that he could find a way to talk Tobin out of going to the awards ceremony. Sitting around with his asshole teammates all night was the last thing Sergio wanted to do, especially with Tobin. Right now, though, Sergio had bigger and better things to focus on—like pleasing his husband. Damn, he liked the way that word rolled off his tongue. Sergio still couldn’t believe he had convinced Tobin to do a quickie marriage.

  “I like this spot right here.”

  Tobin squirmed as Sergio licked the place on Tobin’s neck he referenced. That was why Sergio liked it. It made Tobin writhe. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  Sergio punished Tobin for being a smartass by sucking on Tobin’s hotspot. Tobin’s short fingernails scored Sergio’s skin.


  A smile stretched Sergio’s lips at Tobin’s breathless tone. “Do something about it.” Sergio couldn’t stop the taunt. He loved the way Tobin’s eyes flashed with determination whenever Sergio dared him to do anything.

  “If you insist.” Tobin pushed at Sergio’s chest until he had Sergio on his back. Sergio’s heart sped as Tobin bit a path down his body. His dick felt heavy, waiting for Tobin to touch it. Tobin touched him everywhere but on Sergio’s cock. He shoved Sergio’s thighs apart and settled between them, only to suck the inside of Sergio’s groin. It was Sergio’s turn to squirm. That was his ticklish spot, and Tobin knew it.

  “Okay. Okay. You win. I’m a tease.”

  At Sergio’s admission, he felt more than heard Tobin chuckle against his skin. His dick hardened even more at the sensation. Sergio’s eyes fell closed. He savored the way it felt to have Tobin’s lips on his body. Without warning, Tobin pushed one finger inside Sergio’s asshole. Sergio’s hips left the bed. A drop of pre-cum leaked out.

  “Do you like that?” Tobin worked a second finger inside as he spoke. “What would you do if I fucked you?”

  Holy hell. He loved it when Tobin got turned on and lost every hint of reserve. “You know where the lube and condoms are. Why don’t you find out?”

  Tobin stared up the line of Sergio’s body and held Sergio’s gaze. “We’re married now.”

  Sergio couldn’t tell if the truth just hit Tobin or if he was simply pointing out the obvious, then realization struck. They were married now. Condoms were a thing of the past. Neither of them would ever be with anyone else again. A heartbeat passed while that new reality sank in, and then Sergio sprang into action. He could have Tobin with no barrier. Truthfully, he always could have. Neither of them had ever slipped in the past, but Sergio had never been one to take risks. In fact, before Tobin, Sergio had never even sucked anyone’s dick without a condom between them. Tobin was his first in a lot of ways. Sergio couldn’t wait to get inside him.

  Sergio flipped Tobin onto his back and covered Tobin’s mouth with his. Their tongues stroked like they were starved for each other. Sergio’s dick twitched, as if trying to remind Sergio of his need. He pulled away and dove for the bedside table.

  “I’m sorry. I need to be inside you.”

  “Why are you apologizing?”

  Sergio didn’t slow as he silently thanked every god that they slept nude. He didn’t have the patience for undressing right now. Sergio shrugged at Tobin’s question and worked on lubing Tobin’s hole. “You deserve all the foreplay and I’m probably about to hurt you.”

  An evil-sounding chuckle slipped from Tobin’s lips. His expression matched the wickedness of his laugh. “You can try.”

  “Goddamn.” The breathless curse was all the words Sergio possessed. He couldn’t explain how deeply Tobin aroused him and always kept him running home for more. Sergio dove between Tobin’s thighs and shoved his way inside. He gasped at the heat of Tobin’s body. His mind was beyond being a mess. All he could do was pound his dick inside Tobin over and over, trying to find his sanity. Tobin held on to the headboard and took everything Sergio dished out. The sound of harsh breathing and slapping skin surrounded them. They held each other’s stare while reaching for the same goal.

  A strange sensation washed over Sergio as he connected with Tobin on a higher level. His pace slowed. Sergio found himself changing angles, making love to Tobin rather than fucking him. He kissed Tobin, soft and sweet. This was his husband. The backs of Sergio’s eyes burned. They were married. For however long or short their lives might be, they would spend it together. This was his family now. They were something special and beautiful. Sergio buried his face against Tobin’s skin. He felt dangerously close to tears even as sweat coated his skin and he came closer to orgasm.

  “I love you.”

  The breathless words caressed Sergio’s ears as Tobin’s cum filled the space between their bodies. Tobin’s body gently sucked Sergio’s cock, milking an orgasm from him. Sergio rode out the waves while holding Tobin as tightly as he could. He never wanted to let go. His body’s pleasure had nothing on what Tobin did to his mind. For the first time in years, Sergio felt whole—like Tobin had completed him in a way he hadn’t known he needed. Sergio was home. In that moment, a decision was made that he had been hovering over for almost a year. He knew what to do to reclaim his life and complete his happiness. Sergio was done with soccer.


  One amazing thing about living in Los Angeles was that they didn’t have to go far to attend Sergio’s award ceremony. The private event was held at a huge and exclusive country club Tobin hadn’t known existed. The biggest reason Tobin was glad they weren’t far from home was because of Sergio. The moment they had walked in the door, Sergio turned brooding and quiet. His teammates were forced to introduce themselves to Tobin while Tobin fought the urge to kick Sergio in the shins. Thirty minutes in, Tobin knew they would not be staying long. Mostly because Sergio kept reminding him that they would be leaving soo

  One of Sergio’s teammates appeared at Tobin’s side with a wine glass full of cold water. “I brought you a drink, since Sergio hasn’t bothered.”

  “Thank you.”

  As Tobin reached for the glass, Sergio turned an icy stare Alejandro’s way. “I didn’t get him anything because I didn’t want him taking off his mask around anyone here. I don’t want him catching anything.” Sergio emphasized the last words, leaving no doubt he meant the words as an insult.

  Tobin’s gaze swung between Alejandro and Sergio.

  Alejandro smirked, but his dark gaze moved back Tobin’s way, dismissing Sergio. “If you’d like to move to that empty table near the wall, I’m sure there would enough distance between everyone for you to be comfortable without your mask.”

  Even though Tobin was almost positive Sergio rolled his eyes, he looked away too fast for Tobin to see. Tobin eyed the nearby table. It was a large round table draped in a white tablecloth. The chairs were far enough apart that Alejandro’s plan seemed airtight to him. “Sounds good.”

  As a group, they headed for the empty table.

  Alejandro pulled out a chair and motioned for Tobin to sit. “Take this chair. That way you can see everything, but no one is sitting near you.”

  Tobin tried smiling with his eyes so Alejandro would know he appreciated the effort. “Thank you.”

  Sergio moved his chair to sit closer to Tobin. They reached for each other beneath the table. Tobin peeled off his mask. It felt good to have fresh air on his face. The room was unbelievably stuffy. Most people kept their distance while Alejandro made repeated attempts at small talk. Sergio stayed stubbornly quiet while toying with Tobin’s fingers beneath the table. Tobin’s nerves were stretched to their limit. Sergio was nothing like himself. There were no teasing smiles or laughing glances. Occasionally, he would kiss Tobin’s temple, but then he would return to avoiding everyone’s gaze.