Pound (Hard Hit Book 10) Read online

Page 4

  Justin huffed. It was only his mom’s presence keeping Justin from telling Von where he could stick his clean diet.

  “I’m always telling him he should eat better, but I’m his mom. He’ll never listen to me.”

  Something in Justin’s jaw popped as he swallowed down all the words rising in his throat.

  “Ja. Exactly.”

  Justin couldn’t take it. He had to argue about something before he burst a blood vessel. “Did you just ‘Ja’ my mother?”

  Von shook his head. His eyes took on a thoughtful edge as if he was running through the conversation in his mind. “Sorry. Yes. I’ve lived here for over twenty years, but sometimes—when I’m not thinking—I forget to speak English.”

  “Don’t apologize,” Kate said, sounding scandalized Justin had made him feel the need to say he was sorry. “English isn’t your first language. I’m amazed at how fluent you are.”

  “That’s because he’s a genius,” Justin said, fighting a sudden wave of exhaustion.

  A tinkling laugh sounded from his mom. “So now you want to flatter him after scolding him.”

  Justin closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “I’m not flattering him. Von really is a genius. He has an IQ of like 180 or some shit.”

  Kate blew out a whistle. “Really? That’s amazing. Yet you chose to play sports for a living?” Kate asked, sounding more like the mother Justin knew.

  Justin felt Von shrug. “180 is a bit generous, but there’s a science to winning. It fascinates me.” Von’s claim sounded as if it came from a distance, even though the man sat pressed against him. He was so warm. Justin couldn’t get close enough to Von. Von shifted next to him, pulling Justin against his chest and wrapping one gigantic arm around him. No matter how hard Justin tried to open his eyes and rejoin the conversation, he couldn’t lift his eyelids. They were too heavy. Von fell into an explanation of how he’d moved to the US with his father when he was barely a teenager. Justin listened to the words rumble against his ears until sleep carried him away.


  “Carolina Chuggers’ forward, Von Wolf, is this year’s hottest unrestricted free agent, going into the—” Von switched off the TV as he walked by, cutting off the report.

  “Hey, I was watching that,” Justin argued. “They were talking about you.”

  Von scoffed. “I know. It’s the same story every year.”

  Justin had no idea what that meant, but he was willing to let it slide. “You have your shoes on. Are you leaving?”

  After moving to his side, Von pulled him to his feet. “We’re leaving. You’ve stopped jogging since your surgery, and I know how much you love it, so we’re going together.”

  Justin blew out a raspberry. It had been three weeks since his stay in the hospital, and even longer since his surgery. Von hadn’t left his side the entire time for longer than it took for him to run home and get more clothes. Justin knew it was time to get back into his exercise routine. “But you’re in so much better shape than I am. It’s not fair to make me start back with you witnessing my limitations.”

  Von’s incredulous expression almost made Justin laugh—almost, but there was still the issue of running. No one laughed when facing an hour of jogging. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’m just a little guy,” Justin said, biting back a laugh. He knew—any second—Von would realize he was teasing and make him pay.

  “You’re just a little…” Von’s expression turned baffled. He paced across the room and Justin stole the opportunity to sit back down. Von glanced his way. “What are you talking about?”

  Justin mimicked walking with his fingers. “You’re tall. I’m short. If I have to start back with you, it’ll kill me.”

  Von rolled his eyes. “This sounds like an excuse to be a lazy ass to me.”

  A smile that felt evil, even to him, pulled at Justin’s lips. “Nope. I just think I should start smaller. You know, with something where height doesn’t matter, but I’m still okay-ish at doing it.”

  Von braced his hands on his hips. His eyes lit as if he was beginning to catch on. “Such as?”

  Justin pretended to think it over. “Well, they say sex burns a lot of calories.”

  “A hundred calories in an average session, and I say you blow okay-ish out of the water. There’s nothing the least bit okay-ish about having sex with you.”

  Justin wasn’t surprised Von knew the exact numbers. “There’s nothing average about us, baby. I’d say a hundred calories is nowhere near our numbers.”

  “We should buy a calorie counter and find out.”

  Von was always all about the facts. Justin just wanted to fuck. “Later.”

  Justin drew a slow breath through his nose as Von crossed the room. His spine relaxed into the couch. He felt stalked. “I expect you to do all the work. You’re the one who needs to get back into your workout routine.”

  Dropping his gaze to Von’s feet, Justin slowly inspected every inch of the man’s body. By the time he was staring at Von’s sexy blue eyes, Justin’s dick beat a pattern against the inside of his shorts and each breath came harder than the last. Von’s body was perfect in every way. It was like he’d been pulled from Justin’s dreams and carved from marble. Justin bit his bottom lip—anticipating.

  “You are such a sexy man,” Von said, his accent thickening.

  He felt sexy with Von staring at him like he’d be the man’s next meal. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  “How about this? If you run a quick half mile, I’ll spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want.” Von raked Justin’s body with his heated stare, letting Justin know the man meant his boast. He would do anything.

  Justin stood and faked a yawn. “Nah. I think I’ll go back to bed instead.” He made it halfway to the bedroom before Von overcame him. Justin hid a wicked smile as Von’s arms encircled his waist from behind, before pulling Justin back against a solid wall of chest.

  “We were still talking.”

  Justin shrugged. “You didn’t sound like you want to play with me, so I’ll go play with myself.”

  Without warning, Von shoved his hand beneath the waistband of Justin’s workout shorts. He palmed Justin’s already hard cock as he opened his mouth over the cords of Justin’s neck. His eyes fell closed at the sensation of Von’s strong tongue stroking his skin. Justin moved against Von’s hand. The dude wasn’t playing around. Von’s rough hand encircled Justin’s throat, forcing his head back against Von’s shoulder. He pressed his lips to Justin’s ear and spoke against its shell.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want me to fuck you, suck you, and turn you over my knee?”

  Justin whimpered as images of Von doing just that flared to life in his mind.

  Von increased his pace, obviously determined to make Justin come. “Would you like for me to bend you over the bed, shove my face between your ass cheeks, and tongue your hole until you beg?”

  Justin writhed in Von’s arms. “Please?”

  Von bit his lobe. “First, I’ll jerk you off and make you feel good. Then, you’ll get your fucking running shoes on and meet my demands so I can spend the rest of the day inside you.”

  That was it. Von had won this round. Justin was too close to orgasm to argue or put up a fight. No way in hell was he walking away from the release Von offered.


  Von’s grip tightened on Justin’s neck, forcing him to turn his head for Von to capture his mouth. Justin moaned even as he stroked Von’s tongue with his. They explored each other’s mouths. Tongues seeking and retreating. Exchanging bites and harsh breaths. Each tug of his cock brought Justin a little closer to the edge. A burst of electricity surged through his body, drawing his balls up in anticipation of release. He struggled toward the promise of ecstasy. Every muscle in his body tensed. It was right there, teasing him. Explosion hit, rocking Justin to his core. Von’s mouth, covering his, muffled the screams. Justin shamelessly rocked against Von’s palm,
riding out each pulsation.

  Justin’s heart turned cartwheels inside his chest. It was moments like these—when his guard was down—Justin’s mind became the enemy. He was in love with Von—had been for a long time. If he’d felt nothing for the man, it wouldn’t have bothered him in the least when Von disappeared on him. This time, his situation was worse than ever before. Von was there, pretending he felt the same. When he left, and he would, this would be the time Justin was done for good. He cared too much. Von’s touch always lit him from the inside. The way his mind worked fascinated the hell out of Justin. They felt like partners in every endeavor. It wasn’t fair for him to be alone in this.

  Von’s kiss turned sweet. Justin ate it up, taking what he could. It didn’t matter he was covered in cum and his clothes stuck to his skin. Von was still stroking him softly and kissing him like he didn’t want it to end. With one final nip of Justin’s bottom lip, Von pulled away. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes looked unfocused. For a moment, he stared at Justin with such hunger, Justin couldn’t breathe.

  “To hell with it,” Von said, sweeping Justin off his feet. “I don’t care if you ever run again,” Von added as he headed for the bedroom.

  Justin stared at Von’s hard features as the man gently set him on the bed, and he did something he’d never done before. He prayed. Justin prayed if anyone was listening, they’d let him keep this man. Not once had Justin ever asked for anything. Everything he had he’d earned through sacrifice and hard work. Von was the one thing he didn’t know how to win without help. Maybe Von would never love him. That was okay because Justin loved him enough for the both of them.

  Von spent his days working out and dealing with business issues while Justin worked. It was almost time for a new season. He had to be ready—for more things than one. Every day, when Justin came through the door of what Von was quickly beginning to think of as their house, Von couldn’t control the happiness that exploded in his chest. Today was no different. As Justin came through the door—expensive suit draping his gorgeous body and hair ruffled as if he’d been running his fingers through it—Von had to stop himself from flying to his feet and meeting the man halfway. Instead, he held still. He let his hunger grow as Justin crossed the room and came to stand over him.

  “Hey sexy,” Justin said, sounding tired. “How was your day?”

  Von couldn’t take another second. He snagged Justin’s waist and pulled him into his lap. Their lips met. Von’s heart stopped. Air filled his lungs as if he hadn’t enjoyed a real breath all day without Justin. “I’ve been waiting to do this,” Von answered against Justin’s lips.

  For a moment, Justin melted into his touch and kissed Von back every bit as furiously, before pushing away. His serious expression had a hint of worry sneaking in. “Is it okay if I ask you something?”

  The hint of worry increased tenfold. “Always.”

  Justin winced as if he expected his words were about to sound idiotic. “What are you about?”

  Von’s mind blanked. “What?”

  The discomfort written on Justin’s face increased. “I mean, I’m thrilled you’re here and I don’t want it to stop, but what’s changed?”

  Although he was certain he knew what Justin was getting at, he didn’t know what the man needed to hear. “Nothing.”

  Justin’s face fell. “Oh.” He tried pushing his way from Von’s lap. “What do you want for dinner?”

  Von held tight, refusing to let Justin get away. “I think you misunderstand.” Von was the one wincing now. “I’ve always had strong feelings for you.” He blew out a sigh. No doubt he sounded like a fool. “But I didn’t want you tied down by me, because I’m gone a lot. Jesus,” Von breathed, hearing how badly this was going and incapable of stopping now. “Before just recently, you never gave me the impression you wanted more.”

  The way Justin eyed him, as if Von was fucking this up, wasn’t helping matters. “Uh-huh. Go on.”

  “I really want that empty drawer in your bedroom,” Von said before he could change his mind. Justin smiled. Von’s gut twisted. He could feel the moment slipping away. The one where he could be completely honest. Von wasn’t used to being scared of losing anyone. “That’s not true.” The words spilled out in a rush, stealing Justin’s smile. “I mean, it is, but it isn’t.”

  “Okay,” Justin said, dragging the word out and proving how badly Von was confusing the situation. “What is the truth?”

  Fuck. Had someone turned on the heat? Sweat broke out across his forehead. He was scared to look at his hands. If he did, he might learn they really were shaking. “Well, if you think about it—in all reality—we’ve been dating two years. I mean, if you don’t factor in the whole I never said we were dating thing.”

  “You’re not making things better,” Justin said, confirming Von’s fear that he was indeed making this worse by the moment.

  “I want all of you—” Von’s phone rang, cutting him off. He scrambled to answer. Anything was better than continuing down this road to hell. Anything at all. “Hello?”

  “Hey, man. What’s up? It’s Jamie.”


  Jamie huffed. “Roussel.”

  Surprise rendered Von mute for half a second. “Hey. It’s been a while. I didn’t know you still had my number.” He really hadn’t. Von had met Jamie and his husband, Hawke, through Luka. They’d chatted for a while, and Von genuinely liked them, but he hadn’t believed Jamie would ever speak to him again. After all, Jamie was famous. Everyone wanted to be the man’s friend. Von wasn’t special.

  Justin eyed him curiously. Von winked at him.

  “Of course. I never lose anything. Anyhow, Hawke and I will be cruising through the Carolinas this weekend. I have a few concerts lined up that way, and we were wondering if you’d like to do something while we’re in town?”

  “I’d have to check with my man.”

  “You should bring him along. You know I’m great fun. What’s his name?”

  “Justin.” Justin was smiling again. Some of the tightness in Von’s chest eased.

  “Awesome,” Jamie said, sounding genuinely excited at the prospect of meeting Von’s man. “Tell him how much fun I am and bring him along. How about Saturday night?”

  Jamie was a hard man to resist. “Okay. I’ll text you the address.”

  “Cool. See you then.”

  “Okay. See you.” Von disconnected the call. “It seems I have friends coming in town this weekend and they want us to go do something. Is that all right with you?”

  The way Justin’s eyes shone with happiness had Von mesmerized. “You called me your man.”

  Von shook his head. He couldn’t believe how blind Justin could be. “You are. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.” He took a breath, determined to do this right. “Do you remember our first date?”

  Justin nodded. “We got pizza.”

  A luminous smile pulled at Von’s lips, making his cheeks ache. “You were wearing a blue button-down shirt and khakis, because you’d just gotten off work. We chose a booth, and you sat in the center of the bench, obviously expecting me to sit across from you.”

  Justin snorted. “But you didn’t. You bullied your way into my side of the booth, pushing me over and crowding my space with your big-ass body.”

  “Yet you still tried getting away,” Von added. He could still remember every detail of that night. “Your elbow and knee barely brushed mine. I kept scooting closer, trying to get you to touch me. Then you did.”

  Justin chuckled. It was a low and sexy sound. It drove Von to continue.

  “One second, you were trying to get away. The next, your hand slid up my thigh, stopping just short of where I wanted you. That is, until I met your gaze.”

  “You should’ve seen your face,” Justin said with a snort. “Priceless. That place was low lit and private. Not to mention, the tablecloth did a good job of hiding the way I stroked your cock beneath the table.”

  “Jesus,” Von breathed,
going hard. He’d never forget that night. He’d been forced to order their food and act as if nothing happened. All the while, Justin had jacked him under the table with the lightest of touch. They’d been left with no other choice than to steal the cloth napkin he’d been given to hide the fact he’d come all over it.

  “I wonder whatever happened to that place,” Justin said, sounding nostalgic. “We never went back.”

  “That’s because I’ve failed you a lot over the past two years, but I knew it even then.”

  A baffled expression crossed Justin’s features. “Knew what?”

  “That given half a chance, I would fall in love with you.”

  Justin’s lips parted in surprise. Von wanted to kiss them. He craved their plump texture between his teeth. He needed to feel Justin’s moans against his mouth. “Have you been given half a chance?”

  Von held Justin’s stare. He needed this man to know every word he spoke was the truth. “I think we both know I’ve been given a hundred chances, but I get what you’re asking, and yes. You don’t realize it, but every time I leave here, I’m paralyzed with fear that you’ll meet someone else. Someone who’ll give you the life I haven’t. No one else will ever love you half as much as I do.”

  Justin didn’t react right away. His hesitation damn near had Von hyperventilating. “Will you think less of me if I say I’m completely terrified right now?”

  “No, why?” Von asked, taken aback by Justin’s question.

  Justin answered while holding Von’s gaze and slowly drawing him closer. “Because I’ve never loved anyone before you, and I’m realizing how much power you have to break me. It’ll leave me in pieces if you decide you don’t want this.”

  “I fucking want this,” Von said, claiming Justin’s mouth before the man could say anything else to stab him in the heart. Even just the idea of Justin being left heartbroken made Von’s chest hurt. He wasn’t toying with this man. Von was in deep. He knew Justin didn’t see things the same as him, but all the times he’d walked away was because he loved Justin. Von didn’t want him sitting around, hurting because Von couldn’t be there. He’d seen hockey wives. Those marriages went one of two ways—either they were there for only the money and didn’t care if their man cheated with anything moving, or they ended up shattered by a career that stole every free moment from family. A thousand times he’d wondered why any of the players bothered. That is, until he met Justin. Now he understood how one person could steal another’s soul. All it had taken was one night, and Justin had robbed him of everything.