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Beautifully Backed Page 5
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Page 5
Damon tossed his hand towel onto the table. “Let’s go. I’ll make Tobin’s deliveries and inform all his customers that it might be awhile before he’s well enough to continue. You get Tobin in the car before he regains enough strength to fight you. He’s stubborn like that.”
Damon headed toward the door leading to the steps. He came to a sudden stop before turning back the lone customer’s way. “Oh, Lucky, before I forget. The delivery guy will be here in like thirty. You just need to unlock the back door and sign for the beer.” His jaw flexed and Sergio swore his eye twitched. “Thank you.” Damon sounded as if he choked on the words before quickly turning away.
An unmistakable soft and evil-sounding chuckle followed them to the door. Sergio had no idea what was going on there, but it was obvious the two had issues. He didn’t care about that. Sergio didn’t care about anything except Tobin. It was time to overstep his bounds.
It scared Tobin how much he had come to depend on seeing Sergio’s face in the few short weeks they had been dating. He hadn’t intended to meet such an amazing man, especially at this point in his life. Here he was, nonetheless. Tobin couldn’t get enough of Sergio’s teasing smiles and overall amazingness. Unfortunately, Tobin’s body didn’t care that his soul had connected with someone. It ached.
Tobin felt sick to his stomach and his entire body shook with weakness. Invisible sandbags weighed him down. Tobin sat in the stairwell, bald and wanting to die. He couldn’t do this. There was such a long battle ahead of him, and he already felt too bad to move. He wouldn’t survive this. It was best he passed now. The months of suffering left to go looked unending. He could already see the days stretching out into a bleak future. Every day he would wake at three to keep going through the motions, only to end up here, sitting at the top of the steps unable to make the descent. Tobin had no other choice. He couldn’t afford to stop working. Yet he didn’t have the energy to keep going. His life was over. He kind of wished it would just end already.
Damon and Tobin appeared at the bottom of the stairs, looking determined.
Damon motioned Tobin’s way. “You get him, and I’ll pack him a bag. I’ll bring the rest of his things by tonight after I make his deliveries and my nightshift guys come in.”
“Sounds good,” Sergio said as he jogged up the steps. Sergio made soothing noises as he swept Tobin into his arms. “Come on, sweetie. You’re going home with me for a while.”
Tobin couldn’t stop the tears leaking from his eyes. He had never been much of a crier, but that was all he felt like doing anymore. “I can’t. All my things for work are here. I have deliveries to honor.”
Sergio’s features hardened, but his tone stayed comforting. “Work is over for you for now. Damon will make today’s deliveries and let all your clients know what’s going on. It’s time to focus on your health.”
Tobin cried harder. Everything was slipping away. “I can’t do that. I have medical bills and rent to pay.”
“Fuck your bills,” Damon said as he opened the front door so Sergio could carry Tobin out to the car. “I’ll survive without your rent money. The same can’t be said of losing you. You need to get better. You’re all I have left, and you fucking know it, so you can’t die. I won’t let you.”
Sergio didn’t even bother arguing or discussing things with Tobin the way Damon did. He simply strapped Tobin into the front seat of his car like a child. Tobin couldn’t fight. His strength was gone. He stared at his lap, defeated.
“Look at me.”
Tobin glanced over at Sergio’s demand. He was stooped next to Tobin’s open door, waiting for Tobin’s attention. He looked unmoving and beautiful.
Once Sergio had Tobin’s attention, he made the tears worse. “I have you. Do you feel me? I’ve got your back. You can be angry or feel guilty—whatever you want—later. Right now, you need to stop and look at me. Do I look like I’m giving you a choice?”
Tobin shook his head. Sergio truly looked dead set in this decision.
Sergio gave him a sharp nod. A slight smile touched Sergio’s lips. “You’re being abducted. It isn’t your fault that I’ve decided to keep you. Is there anything you can do about it?”
Tobin shook his head again. If he couldn’t walk down a set of stairs, there was no way he could stop Sergio from kidnapping him.
Sergio pushed to his feet and kissed Tobin’s forehead. “Exactly.” He peeled off his shirt and used it to wipe Tobin’s face. “Ain’t shit happening to you on my watch. Hang on to this.”
Tobin clasped the shirt Sergio handed him to his chest. He tried to come to terms with reality as Sergio talked to Damon. Damon handed him a duffle bag. They shook hands before parting ways. Sergio opened the car’s hatch and tossed the bag inside before climbing behind the wheel. All Tobin could do was stare at him in shocked silence. This was really happening. Sergio was right. There was nothing Tobin could do. Sergio was in charge now. Tobin was too weak to fight.
By the time they made it to Sergio’s, Tobin tears had dried away and his hands no longer shook. Unfortunately, that was mostly due to his inability to stay awake. Sergio had a gorgeous house. It wasn’t an estate like Reid’s place, but it was definitely a mansion. The place had two pools. One inside and one outside. Thankfully, there was an elevator because Tobin wanted to walk but steps were too much. Still, by the time they made it from the garage, through the vast house, and inside Sergio’s bedroom, Tobin was leaning on Sergio with more weight than not.
At the edge of the bed, Sergio stripped him to his underwear. “You’re so beautiful.”
Tobin wanted to call bullshit. There was no way he looked anything but terrible at the moment. He was too tired to argue.
Sergio helped him into bed, then started stripping.
Tobin’s guilt doubled. “What are you doing? You haven’t been for your morning run or anything.”
Sergio shushed him as he climbed in bed with Tobin. “Everything can wait a little while longer. I don’t really have anything to do until practice this afternoon. Right now, I need to hold you while you sleep.”
Tobin wanted to cry again, but he didn’t have the energy. “This isn’t fair. You deserve better than me. Please don’t do this to yourself. Just take me home and let me go.”
“Shut up before you piss me off with that crazy talk.” Sergio roughly gathered Tobin into his arms. He kissed Tobin’s ear. “Don’t say any of that dumbass shit to me again. Promise me.”
Tobin closed his eyes and took a breath. He fought the urge to continue trying to convince Sergio to walk away. Sergio had his entire life ahead of him. Tobin didn’t want to watch Sergio grow to resent him, but Sergio sounded truly angry. Tobin cared too much to fight. “I promise.” Even as he said the words Sergio wanted to hear, Tobin’s heart couldn’t take it. He rolled in Sergio’s arms and buried his face in the crook of Sergio’s neck. The shock had somewhat worn off enough for Tobin to realize his current position. Sergio had brought him home to care for him. Who did something like that after like a month of dating? Sergio had shaved his head and planned to take care of Tobin—like an insane superhero. Tobin couldn’t wrap his mind around it. He was so blown away that he didn’t know what to say. Tobin wanted to leave and save Sergio from himself, but he couldn’t. He felt guilty as hell and moved beyond words. Tobin had never been backed by anyone in his life like this. He didn’t understand.
“Why are you doing this?”
Sergio stroked his back and comforted him. “Because you’re worth it and I like being with you.” With his face pressed to Sergio’s throat, Tobin felt Sergio swallow. He held Tobin a little tighter. “I can’t live with knowing anything bad is happening to you. You matter to me. So let me have this, okay? Maybe it’ll be your turn someday to take care of me. Until then, I need to do this. I need to make you better.”
Tobin’s muscles relaxed. He didn’t feel so much like the intruder after Sergio’s explanation. Maybe he wanted Sergio to make it easier for him to be a burden and grasped at th
e first explanation he got. Tobin wanted to be important to Sergio. He wanted to live so they could have a life together.
“I’ll get better quick.”
A soft chuckle rumbled from Sergio’s chest. “You really sounded like you could will yourself into being healed just then. That’s the part of you I can’t resist.” Sergio urged Tobin’s chin up and held Tobin’s stare. “I know I’m too much for most people, but not you. You have no clue how much you give me by letting me be myself. I think you should kiss me before you pass out.”
Tobin didn’t hesitate to scoot higher and claim Sergio’s lips. His whole life he had been told if something sounded too good to be true, then it probably was. That had always held true until now. For once, Tobin really believed Sergio was exactly who he presented. Tobin needed it to be real. In the midst of a horrible existence, Sergio looked like a rainbow sent from above. Tobin couldn’t think Sergio was anything less than a blessing. He would sleep the day away and gather his strength. Tobin would get better, because there was no way in hell he would miss out on a life with this guy. Fuck cancer. Tobin had a future waiting for him.
Two months of living with Sergio had Tobin feeling way better than he had in a long time. He still got tired easily, but when he felt the exhaustion hit, nothing stopped him from going to bed. Tobin still felt guilty as hell all the time. Sergio paid all his bills and Damon kept Tobin on his insurance at the bar in a deal they had worked out a long time ago. Tobin wasn’t pulling his weight in any relationship in his life, but he still tried. Anytime he felt good enough, he still made his rolls for a few places and he visited his friends whenever he could. Most of the time, he dedicated his energy to making Sergio’s life easier while focusing on his health. He couldn’t get enough of the man who had swept into his life like a knight. There was nothing normal about the way their relationship started. It was like they had been in overdrive, grabbing at all the minutes they could get before Tobin’s time ran out. Tobin had no regrets about the fast pace. Bad timing aside, he had met the one. Hopefully, he still felt the same after tonight.
“Up next, our Stassie Davidson talks with Sergio Costa about the Lancers’ winning season.”
Tobin turned away from the stove to stare at the TV built into the fridge door. Sergio was on his way home, so anyone talking with Sergio had to have been recorded earlier in the day. Still, Tobin had to watch. He still had a hard time wrapping his mind around Sergio’s fame. Sergio didn’t act like a man who lived in a multi-million-dollar house, drove an expensive car, and had countless fans. He was just Sergio. Tobin would never understand what Sergio saw in him, but Tobin wasn’t dumb enough to turn away from someone so amazing.
The long-haired brunette who covered sports on their local station appeared on the screen. Sergio stood at her side on the soccer field. He was sweaty and Tobin’s mouth watered with a sudden desire to lick him. Tobin couldn’t get enough. He had to force himself to pay attention to the interview.
“There’s no denying the Lancers are having a great season, and a big reason for the team’s success is standing right here.” She turned Sergio’s way. “So, Sergio, everyone knows you’re having a phenomenal year, and while I have lots of questions that I want to ask about your stats, everyone I’ve spoken to lately has just one question they need answered. What happened to your hair? Is the heat getting to you?”
A chuckle escaped Tobin. He covered his mouth to stifle the sound, even though he was alone. It sounded evil and seemed wrong to laugh at Sergio being put on the spot.
The infectious smile Tobin loved so much made an appearance at the reporter’s question. Tobin bit back a sigh. Sergio had one of those boyish grins that drew people in. “I’m never bothered by the heat,” Sergio argued in mock offense. He turned serious before the reporter could apologize. “Actually, my boyfriend is battling leukemia and I’ve been shaving my hair for him. We’re in this fight together and my hair will stay this way until he gets his back.”
The back door beeped, letting Tobin know Sergio was home. Tobin quickly turned off the TV before Sergio caught him watching the interview. He turned away and stirred the dinner he had been cooking when Sergio’s name had caught his attention. Even Tobin didn’t know why he didn’t want Sergio to know he had seen, but it felt like he was too obsessed—like he stalked Sergio when they were apart.
Sergio tossed his keys on the kitchen counter before invading Tobin’s space. He kissed the side of Tobin’s neck. “Something smells good. How is my sexy bebé doing today?”
“I’m good. I just saw you on the news.” Damn, he was always telling on himself.
“Mhmm,” Sergio hummed against Tobin’s nape as he kept kissing every inch of bare skin above Tobin’s collar.
Tobin drew a ragged breath. Now wasn’t the time to get turned on. “Um.” He tried to rub two coherent thoughts together with Sergio touching him. “I have some news you may not love.”
Sergio froze. Tobin swore he felt Sergio’s every muscle tense. “Is everything okay?”
“Of course.” Tobin realized too late he might have scared Sergio with his dire tone. He set his spoon aside and turned in Sergio’s arms. “It’s just that I’ve barely been holding my parents at bay since I moved in, and my mom has had enough. She sort of demanded to visit. So I said they could come to dinner.” Tobin winced as the final words fell from his lips. They hadn’t talked about Sergio meeting Tobin’s family yet. Tobin truly hadn’t been left a choice. His mom was the type to call the police and report him as missing if he didn’t cooperate.
Sergio shrugged. “That’s fine. This is your home. Of course they’re welcome here.”
Tobin chewed his bottom lip. Sergio sounded fine, but he hadn’t met them yet. “Are you sure? We haven’t really talked about you meeting them... or anything, really.”
As Sergio dragged Tobin closer, he cocked his head to one side and eyed Tobin. “What’s going on in your head?”
Heat crawled up Tobin’s cheeks. He hated being put on the spot. Inside, he squirmed with discomfort. “I mean, like they have questions about us. They want to know how long this has been going on and where it’s headed. My parents won’t likely keep those questions to themselves. I don’t know how to answer because we’ve never actually talked about it either.”
Sergio stared at Tobin’s lips. “Damn, bebé. I’m sorry. You’re so sexy. I didn’t really catch a word of that. All I can think about is this.” He swooped in and claimed Tobin’s mouth. As always, Sergio’s kiss was mind-blowing. It was impossible to think with Sergio’s tongue in his mouth. If they had been having an important discussion, Tobin lost the threads. He was in love with this man. Every day, Tobin came to grips with that reality a little more. Sergio was always there, being supportive and perfect. They spent every moment Sergio wasn’t out of town or doing work stuff together. There had never really been any adjustment period or a need for one. They just clicked and fit. Sergio didn’t have any annoying habits Tobin couldn’t handle. If Tobin had any Sergio couldn’t take, he never said anything. They were happy. Sometimes Tobin forgot to be afraid, and that mattered.
The doorbell sounded through the house just as Sergio backed Tobin against the counter, as if he planned to fuck him right there.
Sergio lifted his head. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes hooded. He stared down at Tobin with swollen lips and lust in his eyes. Tobin could barely breathe. Words he feared saying stuck in his throat. Emotion weighed heavy on his chest.
“I’m guessing that’s your parents.”
Tobin blinked. Reality came crashing back. Soon, they wouldn’t be alone. “Shit.”
A smile exploded across Sergio’s face. “I take that as a yes.”
It would be a few hours before they were alone again. Maybe that was a good thing. Sometimes Tobin scared himself when it came to Sergio. He had never felt this way about anyone. Tobin didn’t want to send Sergio running for the hills with his intensity. But damn, he wanted to keep Sergio for good
. He had to keep reminding himself this arrangement was temporary. As soon as he was well enough to go home, he would. Tobin couldn’t let himself get too comfortable in this relationship. Sergio was only helping him through the worst. He likely wouldn’t want to be tied to this forever. Tobin always needed to keep that at the forefront of his mind. He was a charity case. Tobin couldn’t forget it.
Sergio could bend steel with his dick. Something about coming home to Tobin always hit him right in the gut. He loved the sight of Tobin, looking rested and at home under Sergio’s roof, and it really got to him. It was like they were a family. Sergio hadn’t lived this life since he was little. His house felt filled with love and Sergio couldn’t get enough. Then there was the way Tobin looked at him—like he had come home. Goddamn, Tobin made him realize he had never been in love before Tobin came into his life. Sergio had never felt this much for anyone—like he would kill to keep Tobin.
The funny thing was, though, Sergio didn’t really think about where they were headed until Tobin’s parents walked through the door. Tobin was a perfect mixture of Janet and Bill. He had Bill’s blond hair and Janet’s green eyes. Janet’s nose and Bill’s smile. Sergio liked them on sight, as if he couldn’t dislike anyone who shared Tobin’s blood and features. Plus, they were genuinely nice.
Janet had stepped right into his space and fussed over him like a mom. She hugged him and gave him a ton of compliments before grabbing his hand and turning Tobin’s way. “Oh my goodness. He’s so handsome. I’m sure you have a terrible time keeping your hands to yourself.”
Tobin blushed.
Sergio tried not to laugh, but he refused to pretend he couldn’t hear her loudly talking about him. “Thank you.”
Janet met his gaze again. “No. Thank you. I hear you’ve been taking care of my son. Damon has had nothing but good things to say about you. I’d love to meet your mom so I can tell her what an amazing job she did with you.”