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Sordid Page 3
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Page 3
Viv smirked, as if she saw the hurt fueling his claim. “No need to get snippy. It’s not as if either us really has a heart.”
There was nothing he could say to make her believe different nor did he care to try. “Go on.”
Her evil smile fell away, becoming a look of faked contriteness. “I’ve hit a little snag and I need a hundred thousand dollars.”
A snort escaped Seb before he could call it back. “Guess you’d better start searching for a new sugar daddy.”
Viv sighed. “Don’t be tiresome, Sebastian. That’s why I came to you.”
“Mom, I don’t have that kind of money.” Because she’d bled him dry years ago, but Seb kept that to himself. No good could come of dredging up the past.
“Please spare me, son. You’re fucking a man worth almost four hundred million dollars. He won’t miss a hundred thousand.”
Seb didn’t hesitate to shut her down. “No.”
“It’s easy,” she said, using her most cajoling voice. “Pull out your bag of tricks—like you did when you blew the boy under the table at the wedding reception, and once you have him eating out of your hand, take his wallet.”
Viv snorted. “Don’t pretend to have morals now, baby. This is no different from the schemes we pulled for years.”
“You pulled. Not me. And Chase isn’t a scheme.”
Silence filled the space between them as she stared him down. Seb held this breath. “Okay, then.” Seb released his breath at Viv’s answer before sucking it back in again at her next words. “Let’s try this a different way. If you don’t hand over the money by a week from tomorrow, I’ll go to the press about your little love affair.”
“No one will care,” Seb shot back, bluffing.
“Ha. If you think no one will care, you know nothing about Hollywood. They’ll eat Chase alive—label him a pervert, and just like you did with your career, you’ll ruin Chase’s as well.”
“We’ll see,” Seb said, because he couldn’t let her win.
“I suppose we will. See you soon,” Viv said, heading for the door.
The instant the door closed behind her, Seb dropped down onto the couch and stared at the skyline from the living room window. He loved his life. It had taken him several years and wrong turns to get here, but this was his happy-ever-after. He should’ve known he wouldn’t be allowed to keep Chase. When things started out with lies and schemes, they never magically transformed into something beautiful. For a little while, he’d gotten to pretend. His mom had moved on, found new targets, and adjusted to being a one-woman operation. Hollywood wasn’t as kind to actresses as they were actors. Once a woman passed her prime, she either moved on to something new or found a rich husband. Viv had gone on to several rich husbands. She made them love her. It was her gift. They loved her so much, they never signed a pre-nup. If they were suspicious of all her past marriages, then they fell in love with her son and his bright Olympic future. They would be the perfect family.
But Seb, he’d gotten free. He’d become an embarrassment. No one in her position would want to claim someone like Seb—a drug-addicted scandal always on the verge of relapse. No one would touch him for any reason. Not sponsorships or legit work. No one except Chase. Now, Viv wanted him to ruin the only good thing he had. He wouldn’t do it. He’d rather die.
“Hey, baby. What’s wrong?”
Seb shook off his thoughts. He’d been so absorbed with the horror his life had become in a matter of seconds, he hadn’t heard Chase come home again. He couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d been staring into space, searching for hope that didn’t exist. For a moment, Seb stared at Chase, unsure of what to do. This man, he’d done everything for Seb. Given him the world. Offered him hope and a stable future. Loved him.
“Mom just left.”
Chase smiled. “Gah. Spending the afternoon with that harpy would put me in a shit mood too.” Seb didn’t smile at Chase’s joke. He wasn’t sure he’d ever smile again. Chase’s brow furrowed, showing his concern. He moved closer. “Seriously, what’s wrong? You’re freaking me out a little.”
Once Chase was within striking distance, Seb snagged his hand and pulled the man in for a kiss. Their lips clung for a moment before their tongues clashed. He’d never been much of a fighter. When he’d hit rock bottom, he’d let Chase do all the fighting on his behalf. But he would be goddamned if he let anyone or anything steal Chase from him.
Seb turned his head but held tight to Chase. “My mom wants one hundred thousand dollars by a week from tomorrow or she’s going to the press about us.”
Chase drew back, his expression completely blank. “That’s… wow.”
Seb tried not to panic. Chase had never closed off from him before. He was now. No emotion whatsoever shone in his eyes. “Yeah.”
Chase straightened away. He brushed his palms down the front of his jeans and glanced around the room as if he couldn’t look at Seb. “What did you tell her?”
“I told her no.”
At his answer, Chase finally met his stare. There was a hint of hope flaring to life in Chase’s eyes. Seb realized something monumental. This was the conversation they should’ve had years ago—the one stopping them from being as real as Seb craved. Being publicly in love.
“Why did you decide to tell me? You could’ve taken the money and I likely wouldn’t have questioned it.”
Seb didn’t hesitate. He didn’t want to lie. “Because this isn’t the first time.”
Chase’s head jerked back, as if Seb had punched him. “What?”
If Seb was being honest here, he had to tell it all. “Since the very first moment we met, I’ve been ass over teakettle in love with you. You know that, right? You have to know you’ve always owned me.”
Instead of answering, Chase sat down on the coffee table between Seb’s knees and watched him as if hanging on Seb’s every word, waiting for them to destroy him.
Seb had nothing to offer but words, so he gave them to Chase. “Actually, I was furious with Mom for marrying your dad. She knew I wanted you. Viv being Viv, she shrugged and said there was no reason I couldn’t have you. We weren’t related. Not really. In fact, her marrying Barry meant we’d be under the same roof—all convenient like.” Seb shook his head. He should’ve seen all this coming. Chase massaged his knees as if urging Seb on. As if Seb could stop.
“Then you landed that role on Changing Tides, and I started taking competitions more seriously. We were living in California—almost three thousand miles away from their marriage. It felt like we were so far away that the truth couldn’t touch us.” A bitter smile pulled at Seb’s lips. “I was wrong. The moment I won the gold and sponsorships rolled in, so too did Mom’s threats to ruin us. I should’ve let you go,” Seb said, hearing the shame in his voice. “You have no idea how many times I deleted your number from my phone—like I didn’t know it by heart. Once I accepted how weak I am when it comes to you, I tried driving you away. By the time I walked into traffic, Mom had already bled me dry, and I didn’t know how else to save you from our poison. From my obsession.”
Seb held the stare of the man he loved more than life and gave him every last secret. “But you saved me again, and—in a way—so too did the scandal attached to my name. Mom stayed away. She found new targets. Until now.”
Chase didn’t fly into a rage, but his face was hard. “Why are you telling me this now?”
Pain like Seb had never experienced before hit him in the chest, stealing his breath and making his eyes burn. “So maybe you won’t hate me when I leave.”
Chase’s expression never changed. “And you think leaving me is an option you have available to you?”
Seb didn’t know how to respond. Luckily, Chase didn’t seem to need an answer from Seb.
“There’s no way you seriously believe I’ll let you stand up and walk out of here.”
“We’re talking about the ruin of the career you love,” Seb said, trying to stay calm.
> Chase snorted. “We’re not your mom. There’s zero chance we could run through my money in four lifetimes.” Chase set his hands on Seb’s knees and leaned forward. “There’s even less of a chance that I’ll let you walk away from me. It doesn’t matter if I never work again.”
“It matters to me,” Seb said, surprising even himself with how calm he sounded.
Chase shook his head. “It shouldn’t. Yes, I love what I do, but it’s just a job. There’s nothing I love more than you. Let her go to the press. Hell, let her write a tell-all, and maybe she’ll incriminate herself along the way. None of it matters. There have been actors who’ve beaten their wives, dodged taxes, and gone to jail for dog fighting. There’re child molesters who still have fans all because they are on TV.” Hope grew in Seb’s chest as Chase held his stare. “Let her talk,” Chase repeated. “There will be people who will think we’re wrong. Let them. I don’t need any of them as long as I have you.” Chase shifted forward and kept coming until he straddled Seb’s hips. Seb’s hands automatically went for Chase’s ass, massaging.
Chase’s lips brushed the corner of Seb’s mouth, cajoling him into giving Chase his way, as always. “How much money did she take you for?” Chase asked against Seb’s lips.
Seb turned his head, giving Chase better access to his ear as the man’s lips trailed to the spot beneath it that Seb loved to have kissed. “It doesn’t matter,” Seb said, sounding breathless even to his ears. “Because I have you.”
Chase’s fingers dug into Seb’s shoulders as his teeth sank into Seb’s lobe—hard. “Don’t you ever threaten to leave me again.”
Seb’s arms tightened around the man he couldn’t live without. “It wasn’t a threat. It was an offer. You know I can’t live without you. I’ve proven I don’t have enough sense to survive on my own. You’re the only thing holding me together.” Chase pulled away, looking like a man ready to put Seb on blast. Seb cut him off before he could get started. “Chase, I can’t wake up in the morning and not see you next to me.” Even Seb heard the pain in his every word. He couldn’t stop. He blinked, fighting the burning sensation behind his eyes. “I can’t explain why it’s you and no one else. But it’s you, or nothing else.”
“Do you trust me?”
Seb didn’t hesitate. “More than anyone else in the world.”
“Then believe me when I say you shouldn’t worry about this again. I will take care of you. This won’t be an issue. Just believe in me.”
“I do.”
“Good,” Chase breathed, moving in to nip at Seb’s bottom lip. “No more secrets.”
“Never,” Seb agreed as he pushed his way beneath Chase’s shirt. He wasn’t ashamed. Chase wasn’t embarrassed by their relationship. Maybe it had taken Chase’s anger with Seb’s mother to get there. Perhaps Chase had always felt that way and Seb was the one who’d been afraid. Either way, it was more than Seb ever dared dream.
One day soon, everyone would know their secret. When that day came, so too would the drama. That day wasn’t today. The time wasn’t now. In this moment, Seb was still free to privately worship Chase’s body and their union.
The sensation of Chase’s bare back against Seb’s palms fucked with Seb’s head. He needed more. Seb pushed the shirt higher until Chase gave in and let Seb tug it over his head. With Chase nude from the waist up, Seb stared at his man in awe. Pride consumed him. For years, he’d somehow hung on to this amazing man. God knew Seb didn’t deserve him.
As if the longing in Seb’s voice warned Chase of Seb’s mood, Chase’s expression turned wary. His fingers stroked Seb’s cheek, melting Seb’s heart. “My gorgeous baby.”
Seeing his mom had opened old wounds inside Seb. “Make it better,” Seb said, incapable of expressing himself but knowing Chase would understand.
“Tell me how to fix it,” Chase begged, proving how well he got Seb on every level.
“Give me everything.”
The sweetest smile Seb had ever seen stretched Chase’s lips. “You’ve always had it.”
“Then make love to me and remind me of how much I own.”
Chase stood and held out his hand. “Let’s go.”
Seb let Chase lead him down the hall. The muscles in Chase’s back kept Seb captivated. He couldn’t even blink. When they reached the bedroom, neither of them bothered with the lights. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow across the bed. After urging Seb to sit on the edge, Chase came to stand between Seb’s knees. They didn’t speak as Chase tugged Seb’s shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Chase’s fingers shaped Seb’s muscles as if he enjoyed Seb’s body as much as Seb enjoyed Chase’s. A lock of hair fell across Chase’s eye. Seb fought the urge to push the strands aside.
“Do you know what my first thought was the day I met you?”
Seb shook his head. He couldn’t think with Chase standing this close. He could smell the man’s cologne. Taste him already.
“I thought, Chase Murray has a great ring to it.”
Seb blinked in surprise. He hadn’t known that. Chase had never confessed that before. “What was your second thought?”
Chase’s sexy smile turned downright evil. “That I was going to rock your goddamn world and have you so fucking addicted to me that you’d never want to leave my bed,” Chase said as he slid his belt loose and unbuttoned his jeans. “Lie back, sexy.”
Doing as Chase bade, Seb scooched back, settling onto the pillows. He watched as Chase stripped from his jeans and pushed his own down his hips. “What was your third thought?”
Chase moved to the dresser, grabbed a bottle of lube, and came back to stand over Seb. He oiled up Seb’s cock as he answered, “I thought, he’ll never regret me.”
“All those things are true,” Seb said, incapable of standing another second of Chase’s torture, even though he knew Chase wasn’t doing anything purposeful. He snagged Chase’s waist and unbalanced him until Chase was on top of him. Chase shifted positions, straddling his hips. The smile he wore had Seb wanting to feel it against his lips.
“Kiss me.” Desperation filled Seb’s plea.
Chase’s smile slipped away. His expression turned hot as he slowly lowered his head while holding Seb’s gaze. Their madness was a wild and gorgeous ride. Chase pressed his mouth to Seb’s. Seb’s breathing turned labored, and he hadn’t gotten inside Chase yet. Chase’s tongue brushed his. Seb’s soul wept at the beauty of it. A breath stuttered from Seb’s lungs as Chase took him inside. Chase rocked against him. His tight heat tugged at Seb’s dick. Chase was the king of torture. The slow way he rode Seb’s cock was like an itch inside his brain he couldn’t scratch. He massaged every inch of Chase’s skin he could reach while trying to lick Chase’s entire tongue. Chase pulled back and sucked air as if he’d been running a marathon rather than slowly making love.
The way Chase’s muscles moved beneath Seb’s hands had Seb on edge. Normally, he was a hard and fast guy. He loved fucking Chase, making him scream, moan, and beg for mercy. This soft treatment was hell on his heart. He already loved Chase so much it physically hurt. When Chase controlled him body and mind, it always shook him to his core. Seb snagged Chase’s hair and held the man in place, forcing Chase to hold his gaze while fucking him. He struggled for every breath as the pressure built, tightening his muscles. His eyes burned from the effort of not blinking. He wanted Chase’s face, with the setting sun glowing at his back, to be the thing he saw when heaven overtook him. His groin tightened. Seb held his breath. An explosion of ecstasy burst through him. Still, Seb didn’t blink, even as hot pulsations caused pops of delicious electricity to race through him.
“My whole goddamn world,” Seb gasped out as a second wave hit.
Chase never looked away. In these moments, Seb knew Chase was every bit insane for them as Seb was.
Chapter 3
Palm to palm and fingers linked, Chase and Seb walked the red carpet. Chase didn’t want anyone else at his side. Usually, he went to premier
es alone. Not any longer. Camera flashes blinded him. Still, he kept his smile in place while doing his best not to give in to temptation and check Seb’s reaction. Several reporters called Seb’s and his name. Neither of them budged beyond a nod or wave. They each acted as if this was every day for them.
Chase spotted Mara. The gold threading her red locks sparkled beneath the bright lights. After catching his eye, she winked and gave him a thumbs-up. He’d known she’d have his back. Chase refused to hide any longer. Seb meant everything to him. It was past time everyone else knew it as well.
A familiar voice called his name. Chase glanced over and spotted Gloria. Despite their recent uncomfortable interview, he’d always liked her. She was well-known for her giving nature and inclusive views. Chase’s gaze moved Seb’s way. He was smiling and not just for the camera. Seb was happy. Chase’s heart melted. They should’ve done this a long time ago. He no longer knew which of them they’d been trying to protect.
“Are you ready?”
Seb nodded.
Chase tugged him toward Gloria. When they reached her side, Chase offered her his free hand. “Mrs. Gloria,” he said, because honest-to-God, he was too nervous to remember her last name and her show was just called Gloria. He eyed her red evening gown. “You look lovely tonight.”
She flushed. Her face turned the same shade as her dress. “Thank you.” She nodded toward Seb. “I see your…” Her face screwed up in confusion as if she had no clue how to address Seb any longer now that she’d finally gotten the picture he wasn’t Chase’s brother.
Chase brought Seb’s and his joined hands to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of Seb’s hand before responding. “You remember my husband, Seb,” he said, freeing her from openly asking.
“I do,” Gloria agreed. “But I wasn’t aware you’d gotten married.”
Rather than making any confessions on the length of their marriage, Chase launched into another explanation that would shut down any chance of Viv hurting them. “Yeah. Of course, as you know, several years ago, my father married Seb’s mom. It was a short marriage and ended badly, but Seb and I stayed good friends afterward.” He flashed Seb a smile before continuing. “Then, one day, I looked over and realized he is the most important thing in my life and my greatest love.” Chase winked at Gloria. “A lot of Hollywood marriages come and go. Not this one. It’s untouchable.”